
  The Marteau Press
Devoted to Scandal, Corruption, the History of the Book Market and the Development of the Public Sphere
May 2004:
Hans-Eugen Bühler/ Olaf Simons
Die blendenden Geschäfte des Matthias Lackas. Korruptionsermittlungen in der Verlagswelt des Dritten Reichs
208 pages, ills., 32 €.
ISBN 3-00-013343-7

ausführliche Information auf Deutsch / E-mail order
Hans-Eugen Bühler/ Olaf Simons, Die blendenden Geschäfte des Matthias Lackas. Korruptionsermittlungen in der Verlagswelt des Dritten Reichs (Köln: Pierre Marteau, 2004).
Offering a detailed study of corruption in Germany's book trade during the war years 1939-1945 — the biography of the ingenious salesman Matthias Lackas who nearly lost his life in a secret law suit blemishing the German Wehrmacht ...for more information in German