The Marteau Early 18th-Century
Currency Converter


Silver Coins
Compared 1670-1730
Metal Based Currency Conversions




The following table will be a growing project in need of support. It notes (i) the coin analysed, (ii) its metal weight, (iii) its fineness, (iv) its fine metal content, (v) the factor to make this coin match the central currency unit [e.g. "63/20" for the Dutch Silver Rider being a coin of 63 stuivers in the guilder system, the guilder worth 20 stuivers]. The last column (vi) states the amount of fine silver the currency unit would have if it were minted with the quality of the coin you analysed.

The last column can be used to create conversion rates between any two currencies of your choice on the basis of coins you would change. Open the Dutch/English conversion tool and go the the bottom of the page – you will find there the rate at which the tool operates: 9 English pounds sterling are 100 Dutch guilders:link

One pound sterling is (so the table bellow) 111.18 g fine silver (if shillings are chosen to make the pound), one Dutch guilder is 9.647 g fine silver (if the Silver Rider is the coin to be given into the exchange). The value for the Dutch guilder goes into the English field (you want this equivalent of English silver for one guilder), the 111.18 g silver of the pound sterling have to be entered into the Dutch field - this is Dutch silver you want for one pound sterling. The form will now read:

Exchange rate: Pound Sterling = Dutch Guilders



  i ii iii iv v vi
Coin Issued Weight g Fineness Fine Silver g / * Currency Unit Fine Silver g
Brabant Patagon 1645 28.108 0.872 24.5102 48 120 Pond Vlaams 61.276
Empire Reichs-Gulden [ideal] 1566-1750 24.63 0.930 22.906 60 60 Reichs-Gulden 22.906
England Shilling 1601-1816 6.010 0.925 5.559 20 240 Pound Sterling 111.18
India Rupee 11.34 0.917? 10.37 1 1 Rupee 10.37
Japan Momme [monetary unit of 3.75 g] nominal value 3.75 0.800 3.00 1 1 Momme 3.00
Momme silver minted in 1695 3.75 0.500 1.875 1 1 Momme 1.875
Momme silver minted in 1710 3.75 0.200 0.75 1 1 Momme 0.75
Netherlands Philipsdaalder 1576-1581 34.27 0.833 28.55
Arendsrijksdaalder 1577-1654 29.03 0.855 25.69
Statendaalder 1578 30.47 0.750 22.85
Bourgondische Kruisrijksdaalder 1580-1594 29.38 0.892 26.21
Daalder van 30 stuivers 1582 29.03 0.885 25.69
Friese Zilveren Rijderdaalder 1582-1585 29.03 0.855 25.69
Wapenrijksdaalder 1584 29.03 0.885 25.69
Rijksdaalder 1600-1700 28.873 0.875 25.264 50 20 Gulden 10.106
Leeuwendaalder 1606-1713 27.535 0.743 20.458 40 20 Gulden 10.229
Zilveren Rijder 1659-1798 32.397 0.938 30.388 63 20 Gulden 9.647
Silver Gulden 1681-1806 10.491 0.911 9.557 1 1 Gulden 9.557
Portugal Réis [by definition] 0.03175 0.9166 0.0291 1 1 Réis 0.02910
Russia Poltina 1699-1706 ~14.0 ~0.84 ~11.76 2 1 Rouble 23.52
Rouble 1704-1705 ~28 ~0.84 ~23.52 1 1 Rouble 23.52
Poltina 1707 ~14.0 ~0.77 ~10.78 2 1 Rouble 21.56
Rouble 1712;1714 ~28.5 ~0.58 ~16.529 1 1 Rouble 16.529
Rouble 1718-1730 28.44 0.7 19.908 1 1 Rouble 19.908
Spain Piece of Eight Reals 1643-1686 27.923 0.931 25.9963 8 1 Real 3.249
Piece of Eight Reals 1686-1707 27.840 0.931 25.9190 8 1 Real 3.239