The Marteau Early 18th-Century
Currency Converter


Great Britain
Prices, Nominal Earnings and Real Earnings, 1600-2000
Data by Lawrence H. Officer, 2004

  Great Britain : Prices, Wages, data by Lawrence H. Officer
If prices (red) and wages (black) rise proportionally, the "real" earnings (the thin blue line) remain the same. You can only actually buy more if your earnings rise faster than the prices — the late 19th-century situation.

Prices and Wages, UK, 1680-1730, Data by Lawrence H. Officer
Detail view: 1680-1730
Green boxes: the Nine Years War (1688-97) and the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1710 with the treaty of Utrecht officially ending that war in 1712). — The blue line of rising prosperity has a peak with the Glorious Revolution in 1688, it falls with the Nine Years War, rises again between the two wars and it drops again after 1706. Clearly visible: the downturn of 1708 and 1709, the years before the war administration lost the elections.

The Century of Excessive Growth
To make them comparable L. H. Officer had brought his data onto a common level of 100 for the year 1913. We are grateful for the permission to offer his data for this special purpose with the year 1700 serving as the "normal year". See the table bellow for the revised data base and see Lawrence H. Officer, "What Were the U.K. Earnings Rate and Consumer Price Index Then?" Economic History Services, February 2004, at for the original data with 1913 as the "normal" year.

For more detailed information about the earnings rate and Consumer Price Index, see Lawrence H. Officer's




Year Average Nominal Earnings
(1700 = 100)
Consumer Price Index
(1700 = 100)
Average Real Earnings
(1700 = 100)
1600 82.4 92.4 89.3
1601 82.4 89.9 91.6
1602 82.4 87.1 94.5
1603 82.4 84.4 97.6
1604 69.1 86.6 80.0
1605 83.0 87.1 95.2
1606 90.6 93.5 96.9
1607 82.4 91.0 90.7
1608 83.7 107.6 77.8
1609 82.4 98.8 83.5
1610 83.7 88.9 94.3
1611 83.7 81.8 102.4
1612 83.9 92.6 90.7
1613 73.5 97.0 75.9
1614 69.9 100.2 69.9
1615 85.2 99.1 85.9
1616 78.1 99.3 78.8
1617 93.1 94.9 98.3
1618 79.2 92.6 85.7
1619 88.3 87.3 101.2
1620 104.2 85.7 121.7
1621 86.3 81.4 106.0
1622 79.5 92.4 86.2
1623 88.4 103.9 85.2
1624 88.4 95.9 92.4
1625 90.3 94.3 95.7
1626 98.0 97.5 100.5
1627 86.6 87.6 98.8
1628 86.7 82.3 105.5
1629 86.7 90.1 96.2
1630 86.7 105.1 82.6
1631 86.7 120.5 72.1
1632 97.4 102.5 95.2
1633 100.6 99.8 101.0
1634 97.4 108.0 90.2
1635 102.0 105.5 96.9
1636 100.6 104.8 96.2
1637 100.6 109.7 91.6
1638 104.4 124.9 83.5
1639 90.5 107.2 84.5
1640 90.7 96.5 94.0
1641 104.1 103.5 100.7
1642 104.4 98.4 106.2
1643 86.9 97.7 89.0
1644 88.6 93.8 94.5
1645 90.7 101.4 89.5
1646 100.8 100.5 100.5
1647 104.6 117.8 88.8
1648 104.6 136.0 77.1
1649 104.6 145.1 72.1
1650 104.6 148.2 70.6
1651 104.6 124.4 84.2
1652 104.6 114.5 91.4
1653 104.9 102.3 102.6
1654 104.6 95.9 109.1
1655 108.7 93.8 116.0
1656 108.7 98.8 110.0
1657 108.6 108.1 100.5
1658 104.9 114.1 91.9
1659 108.7 123.7 87.8
1660 108.7 120.8 90.0
1661 108.7 114.5 95.0
1662 108.7 135.9 80.0
1663 108.7 119.3 91.2
1664 108.7 116.1 93.8
1665 104.9 108.8 96.4
1666 115.7 117.3 98.6
1667 115.7 101.9 113.6
1668 104.6 106.4 98.6
1669 115.7 101.1 114.6
1670 108.7 101.9 106.7
1671 108.7 98.8 110.0
1672 116.6 97.0 120.3
1673 109.7 112.5 97.6
1674 109.2 119.3 91.6
1675 110.7 103.8 106.7
1676 110.5 99.7 111.0
1677 106.5 104.5 101.9
1678 104.9 106.3 98.8
1679 105.7 100.2 105.5
1680 109.7 103.0 106.7
1681 105.7 101.8 103.8
1682 104.1 100.0 104.1
1683 110.5 97.5 113.4
1684 107.0 105.3 101.7
1685 107.2 97.4 110.3
1686 101.5 98.2 103.3
1687 99.3 88.1 112.9
1688 115.3 85.3 135.3
1689 100.9 93.2 108.4
1690 103.2 89.3 115.8
1691 103.1 97.1 106.2
1692 103.9 108.3 95.9
1693 106.0 120.5 88.1
1694 108.4 103.8 104.5
1695 99.0 120.4 82.3
1696 100.4 121.3 82.8
1697 99.6 128.1 77.8
1698 99.6 128.2 77.8
1699 100.5 117.8 85.2
1700 100.0 100.0 100.0
1701 101.1 92.8 109.1
1702 106.8 89.3 119.8
1703 102.5 95.7 107.2
1704 103.3 91.7 112.6
1705 100.1 86.4 116.0
1706 103.7 87.0 119.3
1707 108.5 93.1 116.7
1708 109.4 112.3 97.4
1709 105.4 127.0 83.1
1710 99.8 113.6 87.8
1711 100.6 117.4 85.7
1712 96.6 101.8 95.0
1713 98.0 109.2 89.7
1714 104.0 98.3 106.0
1715 104.0 101.9 102.1
1716 108.0 100.7 107.2
1717 107.2 97.7 109.8
1718 111.6 92.7 120.5
1719 107.6 99.0 108.8
1720 104.5 98.3 106.4
1721 103.7 94.3 110.0
1722 109.2 95.8 114.1
1723 111.6 93.0 120.0
1724 107.6 97.5 110.5
1725 102.1 106.0 96.4
1726 105.2 101.8 103.6
1727 107.6 113.8 94.5
1728 107.6 117.0 92.1
1729 110.0 100.2 109.8
1730 108.4 93.0 116.7
1731 110.0 86.5 127.2
1732 110.8 85.4 129.8
1733 113.2 89.8 126.0
1734 114.0 95.2 119.8
1735 112.7 97.7 115.3
1736 114.8 94.4 121.7
1737 109.3 92.8 117.9
1738 114.8 90.1 127.4
1739 118.0 101.5 116.5
1740 112.4 113.4 99.3
1741 107.7 101.8 105.7
1742 114.8 90.1 127.4
1743 113.7 82.3 138.2
1744 113.1 83.6 135.3
1745 113.1 91.9 123.2
1746 111.6 93.0 120.0
1747 112.4 91.5 122.9
1748 111.6 96.5 115.8
1749 110.8 94.4 117.4
1750 111.0 94.0 118.1
1751 113.9 100.7 113.1
1752 113.9 103.5 110.3
1753 111.6 98.6 113.1
1754 112.4 100.2 112.2
1755 112.4 108.9 103.3
1756 110.0 125.5 87.6
1757 111.6 119.5 93.3
1758 115.5 102.1 113.1
1759 114.7 97.7 117.4
1760 117.1 92.6 126.5
1761 116.3 94.4 123.2
1762 114.7 98.3 116.7
1763 117.1 105.5 111.0
1764 116.3 116.9 99.5
1765 116.3 120.8 96.4
1766 117.9 132.5 89.0
1767 118.7 128.5 92.4
1768 117.9 118.0 100.0
1769 119.5 114.6 104.3
1770 119.5 122.7 97.4
1771 120.8 130.0 93.1
1772 121.8 136.2 89.5
1773 121.8 136.8 89.0
1774 122.4 134.8 90.9
1775 122.2 133.6 91.6
1776 122.2 125.1 97.9
1777 125.4 130.5 96.2
1778 127.2 132.5 95.9
1779 127.7 125.7 101.7
1780 129.1 127.1 101.7
1781 134.0 139.6 95.9
1782 133.6 140.5 95.2
1783 131.2 140.9 93.1
1784 129.2 133.9 96.7
1785 129.4 128.0 101.2
1786 131.1 127.2 103.1
1787 131.8 129.5 101.9
1788 134.4 131.5 102.1
1789 136.2 131.1 104.1
1790 140.4 139.6 100.7
1791 143.0 138.0 103.6
1792 145.9 134.8 108.4
1793 152.8 143.0 106.9
1794 159.6 147.4 108.4
1795 171.1 170.6 100.5
1796 178.9 174.7 102.4
1797 181.9 157.3 115.8
1798 188.0 159.4 118.1
1799 197.1 192.8 102.4
1800 208.5 250.7 83.3
1801 208.9 237.1 88.1
1802 204.7 182.9 111.9
1803 208.5 180.4 115.5
1804 218.1 192.9 113.1
1805 232.7 216.6 107.4
1806 234.9 208.4 112.9
1807 236.1 206.6 114.3
1808 236.9 217.7 108.8
1809 242.3 237.2 102.1
1810 247.8 240.0 103.3
1811 248.5 243.9 101.9
1812 254.1 270.8 93.8
1813 253.8 272.5 93.3
1814 250.2 244.8 102.1
1815 239.3 209.6 114.3
1816 235.7 229.5 102.9
1817 232.2 231.8 100.2
1818 227.1 226.2 100.5
1819 225.4 216.9 104.1
1820 218.9 201.4 108.8
1821 208.2 186.9 111.5
1822 205.0 172.6 118.9
1823 201.6 178.4 113.1
1824 203.5 185.9 109.5
1825 206.7 195.9 105.5
1826 206.4 187.3 110.3
1827 202.4 178.8 113.1
1828 202.1 180.6 111.9
1829 201.7 184.4 109.5
1830 199.9 178.6 111.9
1831 201.1 180.8 111.2
1832 201.7 174.4 115.8
1833 201.3 167.2 120.5
1834 201.9 163.1 123.9
1835 200.1 157.4 127.2
1836 204.6 172.7 118.6
1837 208.0 179.0 116.2
1838 211.9 186.3 113.8
1839 215.1 192.4 111.9
1840 216.3 190.5 113.6
1841 216.3 187.1 115.8
1842 215.0 176.4 122.0
1843 211.9 162.2 130.8
1844 212.9 167.5 127.2
1845 215.1 168.1 128.2
1846 223.9 188.0 119.1
1847 229.6 201.4 114.1
1848 219.9 172.4 127.7
1849 216.1 165.4 130.8
1850 215.0 158.3 135.8
1851 215.0 155.0 138.9
1852 217.9 157.1 138.7
1853 231.4 181.8 127.4
1854 244.6 196.1 124.8
1855 250.6 200.0 125.3
1856 254.6 201.1 126.7
1857 252.3 196.4 128.6
1858 244.9 176.4 138.9
1859 247.1 178.2 138.7
1860 254.1 192.1 132.2
1861 257.2 194.4 132.5
1862 259.2 193.2 134.1
1863 258.7 185.5 139.6
1864 261.8 183.4 143.0
1865 269.5 186.6 144.6
1866 279.1 198.4 140.8
1867 281.7 208.9 134.8
1868 279.6 202.6 138.2
1869 277.0 189.3 146.3
1870 281.7 190.1 148.2
1871 290.7 195.5 148.9
1872 306.5 203.7 150.6
1873 322.5 205.3 157.3
1874 321.2 196.0 164.0
1875 319.2 193.1 165.4
1876 320.2 193.5 165.6
1877 320.2 193.3 165.6
1878 315.2 187.5 168.3
1879 309.6 179.1 173.0
1880 311.0 182.7 170.4
1881 313.9 180.4 174.0
1882 317.2 180.7 175.7
1883 319.4 180.7 176.8
1884 318.0 174.6 182.3
1885 315.4 168.5 187.4
1886 313.2 167.0 187.6
1887 315.0 163.7 192.6
1888 319.4 163.3 195.7
1889 326.0 164.6 198.1
1890 337.5 165.3 204.3
1891 341.9 166.6 205.3
1892 343.6 167.4 205.5
1893 342.7 164.0 209.1
1894 345.4 159.8 216.2
1895 345.8 157.6 219.6
1896 350.2 157.2 222.9
1897 356.4 160.3 222.4
1898 363.5 163.3 222.7
1899 369.7 161.6 228.9
1900 381.1 168.1 226.7
1901 385.5 167.6 230.3
1902 386.0 167.6 230.5
1903 387.7 169.4 229.1
1904 388.2 168.9 230.1
1905 390.4 169.4 230.5
1906 395.7 169.2 233.9
1907 404.5 172.0 235.3
1908 407.1 174.2 233.9
1909 407.6 174.6 233.7
1910 411.6 178.3 231.0
1911 418.2 178.7 234.1
1912 427.4 183.8 232.7
1913 441.1 184.9 238.7
1914 445.5 189.6 235.1
1915 516.1 227.1 227.4
1916 586.7 268.4 218.9
1917 749.9 324.8 231.0
1918 930.7 373.6 249.4
1919 1063.1 396.0 268.7
1920 1226.3 452.9 270.9
1921 1151.3 410.2 280.9
1922 927.7 333.3 278.5
1923 862.8 319.0 270.6
1924 875.2 319.0 274.5
1925 882.2 319.0 276.6
1926 862.4 313.5 275.2
1927 878.3 304.8 288.3
1928 867.7 302.0 287.6
1929 869.4 299.2 290.7
1930 863.7 287.8 300.2
1931 847.4 267.8 316.7
1932 832.8 262.1 317.9
1933 827.5 256.3 323.2
1934 836.3 256.3 326.5
1935 848.7 262.1 324.1
1936 868.1 267.8 324.3
1937 889.3 282.0 315.5
1938 920.2 285.0 323.2
1939 944.5 293.5 322.0
1940 1194.5 333.3 358.7
1941 1309.0 367.5 356.6
1942 1408.0 390.4 360.9
1943 1567.8 404.7 387.6
1944 1661.5 413.2 402.4
1945 1638.9 421.7 389.0
1946 1680.6 438.7 383.3
1947 1836.8 464.4 395.7
1948 2010.5 498.6 403.6
1949 2093.8 512.5 408.8
1950 2191.0 528.2 415.0
1951 2411.5 576.4 418.6
1952 2600.7 629.4 413.6
1953 2760.5 649.0 425.5
1954 2942.8 660.7 445.8
1955 3217.1 690.7 466.1
1956 3470.6 724.6 479.2
1957 3633.7 751.5 483.8
1958 3758.8 774.3 485.7
1959 3928.9 778.5 505.0
1960 4185.8 786.4 532.7
1961 4437.6 813.4 546.1
1962 4597.3 848.0 542.5
1963 4788.3 864.7 554.2
1964 5153.2 893.1 577.3
1965 5518.1 935.7 590.2
1966 5883.0 972.4 605.5
1967 6091.5 996.6 611.7
1968 6568.1 1043.3 629.8
1969 7089.4 1100.1 644.9
1970 7945.7 1170.2 679.5
1971 8839.3 1280.2 690.9
1972 9978.7 1371.5 728.2
1973 11326.6 1497.9 756.6
1974 13337.2 1737.7 768.0
1975 16874.5 2157.8 782.6
1976 19495.8 2513.9 776.1
1977 21241.4 2913.1 729.6
1978 23997.6 3154.8 761.1
1979 27709.3 3577.7 774.9
1980 33460.7 4220.7 793.3
1981 37785.9 4721.3 801.0
1982 41330.2 5127.0 806.7
1983 44814.5 5364.4 836.0
1984 47547.8 5629.8 845.1
1985 51572.7 5972.9 864.0
1986 55646.9 6176.0 901.7
1987 59979.0 6432.8 932.9
1988 65187.8 6748.5 966.6
1989 71119.9 7272.4 978.5
1990 78029.9 7960.5 980.9
1991 84115.2 8427.7 998.8
1992 89120.9 8743.3 1020.0
1993 91869.1 8882.2 1035.1
1994 95206.2 9096.8 1047.3
1995 98150.7 9412.5 1043.4
1996 101684.2 9639.7 1055.6
1997 106002.8 9942.8 1066.8
1998 111499.3 10283.7 1085.0
1999 116897.5 10441.5 1120.3
2000 122197.7 10750.8 1137.5