lineThe Novel

An Abridgment of the Secret History of Crete. Translated out of Greek [...] By Greg's Ghost (London: S. Popping, [1711]).


AN| ABRIDGMENT| OF THE| Secret History| OF| CRETE.| [rule]| Translated out of Greek;| And humbly Dedicated to his Grace the| Duke of Cambridge.| Never printed in English before.| [rule]| By GREG's Ghost.| [rule]| LONDON: S. Popping at the Raven in| Pater-noster-Row. 1711.| Price Three Pence.


p.[1] titlepage/ p.[3] preface/ p.[4] dedication: Duke of Cambridge/ p.5-23/ 8°.


{L: T.1990.(15)}.

Bibliographical Reference

ESTC: t019018.

Date of Publication

Juli 1711 [Advertised in Works of the Learned, 13. Jul (1711), 188].


p.5: "An Abridgment of the Secret History of Crete (or Creet) translated out of the Greek by Greg's Ghost. Hegira 1122. in Thamuz 14°".


Wants to be an abridged version of another book, resumes (pro Whig), the political aspects of the latest change in government, translates them into an Arabian, exotical Genre.
