

Life and Death of the English Rogue (London: T. Norris).

THE| LIFE and DEATH| OF THE| English Rogue;| OR, HIS| LAST LEGACY| TO THE| WORLD.| CONTAINING| Most of his Notorious Roberies, Cheats and Debaucht Practices.| With a full Discovery of a High-way Rogue; also Directions to all| Travellers, how to Know Rogues, and how to avoid them.| And an Infallable Rule how to take them, when Robb'd by them.| Directing all Inn-keepers, Chamberlains and Ostlers, how to Di-|stinguish Rogues from honests Guests.| [rule]| The manner of his being Apprehended and his Behaviour in Prison,| which was very Remarkable| [rule]| To which is added an Alphabetical Canting Dictionary; English before| the Canting for the better understanding of Mumpers and Manders,| Priggers and Prancers, Rum Pads and Rumpadders.| [rule]| LONDON:| Printed by Tho. Norris, at the Looking-Glass on Lon-|don Bridge.


titlepage/ [12] pp./ 4°.


{E: L.C.1282(4) [nur bis Bl.Cv]} {O: Mal.689(8)}.

Bibliographical Reference

ESTC: t168261/ t188638.

Date of Publication

ESTC: ?1711 - the earliest titles published by Norris under the address on London Bridge date from 1711. cf. H. R. Plomer (1922), p.220.


Autobiography: childhood in rural Ireland - the father, in reward of his education became a nobleman's servant and taught his son to read and write. Escape to London. Life as a beggar, theft (meat), arrest, escape. As a merchant's apprentice he cheats his master in business affairs and with his wife. Makes a career as a robber, gets caught again and is now sentenced to death. The book contains the promised "Alphabetical Canting Dictionary" - alegedly to prove his rediness to start a "new life" in which he will be of use to his country. His hopes for pardon fail. A priest makes him ready to "embrace death" with the full knowledge of his sins.
