lineThe Novel

[Olivier, Jean, Abbé?]
L'Infortuné Napolitain, ou les avantures du Seigneur Rozelli (1708).


generally attributed to Olivier, Jean, Abbé.

History of publication
A. 1.a linkL'Infortuné Napolitain, ou les avantures du Seigneur Rozelli (1708).
1-2.b L'infortuné Napolitain ou les avantures du seigneur Rozelli: Qui contiennent l'histoire de sa naissance, de son esclavage, de son état monastique [... ] Enrichie d'un grand nombre de tailles douces. 2. éd. (Paris: Rapin, 1708). {12:} {19:}
1-2.c L'infortuné Napolitain Ou Les Avantures Du Seigneur Rozelli: Qui Contiennent L'Histoire de sa Naissance, de son Esclavage, de son état Monastique, de sa prison dans l'Inquisition & des différentes figures qu'il a faites tant en Italie, qu'en France & en Hollande [...] Nouvelle Edition, revûë, corrigée et enrichie d'un grand nombre de Figures en taille douce (Paris: Witte, 1709). vol.1: 253pp. Ill./ vol.2: 195pp. Ill. {12:}
1-2.d L'Infortuné Napolitain, ou les avantures du seigneur Rozelli; qui contiennent l'Histoire de sa Naissance, de son Esclavage, de son état monastique, de la prison dans l'Inquisition, & des différentes figures qu'il a faites tant en Italie qu'en France & en Hollande. Amsterdam, Henri Desbordes, 1709. [2 vols in 1 vol. 12mo, 2 frontispices/ 13 engravings. h.-t. n. signées gr. en taille-douce. 253 pp., (1) f. blanc ; 195 pp.
3.a Nouvelles avantures de l'infortuné Napolitain, ou du seigneur Rozelli (Amsterdam, 1721).
1-3.e La vie et avantures du seigneur Rozelli, qui contiennent l'histoire de sa naissance, de son esclavage, de son état monastique, de sa prison dans l'Inquisition, & des différentes figures qu'il a faites, tant en Italie qu'en France & en Hollande, jusqu'à sa mort. 4. éd., rev., corr. et augm. (Paris: Rapin, 1722). {UB Augsburg} {UB Bayreuth} {180: Mf f 867-2(4)}
f L'infortune Napolitain ou les avantures du seigneur Rozelli: qui contiennent l'histoire de sa naissance, de son esclavage, de son état monastique [...] Nouvelle éd., rev., corrigée & enrichie d'un grand nombre de figures on taille douce (Amsterdam: Desbordes, 1729). vol.1 481pp. : 11 Ill. {12:}
1-2.g L'infortuné Napolitain ou les avantures du Seigneur Rozelli (Amsterdam, 1788). {19:}

English translation B and continuation C - the translation of A.3.a Nouvelles avantures de l'infortuné Napolitain, ou du seigneur Rozelli (Amsterdam, 1721):

B. a Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli [...] done into English from the second edition of the French (London: J. Morphew, 1709).link
  b [...] Second Edition corrected, enlarged with appendix [...] and adorn'd with curious cutts (London: J. Morphew/ J. Woodward, 1713). [Identical reprint with appendix of the story now leading into the year 1711.]link
  c [...] Third Edition (1715).link
  d [...] Third Edition corrected (London: F. Fayram/ J. Bower/ A. Roper/ J. Isted, 1725): {L: 1451.f.14(1)}.
C a A Continuation of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli, late of the Hague [...] in a Series of the most Diverting History and surprizing Events ever yet made Publick. Written by himself just before his Decease, and committed to the Care of an Intimate Friend. Adorn'd with Curious Copper-Cutts (London: Will. Taylor/ Tho. Butler, 1724).

German translations D and E and adaptation F:

D. a Der unglückseelige Neapolitaner, oder das wunderbahre Leben des Seigneur Roselli (Hamburg: T. v. Wierings Erben, Frankfurt/ Leipzig: Z. Hertel, 1710).link
E. a Das Leben oder wunder-seltsame [...] Historien des Herren Roselli (Pampallune, P. le Marechal, 1712).link
b [...] (Pampallune, P. le Marechal, 1713). [Only new title page.]link
D. b Der unglückselige Neapolitaner, oder das wunderbare Leben des Seigneur Roselli (Hamburg: T. von Wierings Erben, 1720).link

F offers parts of Roselli in a new context:

F. a. Des Angenehme Passe-Tems durch welches zwei Freunde den Leser mit sinnreichen und lustigen Discursen vergnügen, [...] worinnen allerhand Discurse vorkommen, und Erzehlungen aus dem lächerlichen Don Quixote de la Mancha geendiget, die wundersamen Avanturen des Roselli aber noch weiter continuiret, auch allemahl besondere Anmerkungen darüber gemachet (Frankfurt/ Leipzig, 1737).

Dutch translations began to appear in 1710, the translation of the continuation A.3.a Nouvelles avantures de l'infortuné Napolitain, ou du seigneur Rozelli (Amsterdam, 1721) followed in 1722, published in 's Gravenhage "by the translator", the text appeared also integrated in new three volume editions. The relation between these editions needs to be clarified:

G. 1-2.a D'ongelukkige Napolitaen, Of zeldzaem Levensbedryf van Rozelli (Utrecht: Jakob van Poolsum, 1710).link
1-2.b [...] (Utrecht: Jakob van Poolsum, 1716).link
3.a Nieuwe Gevallen Van den Ongelukkigen Napolitaan, Of van Den Heer Roselli; Behelsende desselfs wonderbaare ontmoetingen, sedert syne komst in Hollandt tot op desselfs doodt. Uyt het Fr. vert. ('s Gravenhage: Gedrukt voor den vertaalder, 1722).link
1-3.c D'ongelukkige Napolitaen, Of zeldzaem Levensbedryf van Rozelli (Utrecht: Jakob van Poolsum, 1722).link
1-3.d [...] (Utrecht: Jakob van Poolsum, 1725).link

Rozelli, [so the English edition 1713, p.A2r:] "a Man endu'd, by Nature, with a Spirit and Genius, that fitted him for one of Lady Fortune's Play-things"], renarrates his life as a chain of desasters. Usually those who took care of him had to die in the event: His father, a chevallier, was killed by a noble Italian lady after she had to wittnesses the act Rozelli owes his life to - he is the child of the chevallier and a Turkish slave the chevallier originally presented to the famous lady. Rozelli's mother (the turkish slave), born in Athens, dies at Rozelli's birth (while trying to recover the chevalier). The people who take care of the infant die as they are soon suspected of having murdered the chevalier. Rozelli himself is enslaved by Turks and, coincidentally, comes into the posession of his familiy in Athens. He falls in love with his half-sister, escapes his slavery before he has to accept a new faith. Several people die in the event of his escape. Back in Italy he makes a career as catholic clergyman. An "enlightened" interest in astrology and the Kabala brings him into trouble here. He converts to the Jewish religion after falling in love with a lady of that faith. Writing a treatise under the titel De duobus Impostoribus the Inquisition takes care of him. He flies to Geneva, to France, to Holland, earns his money as seller of liquors and proprietor of coffee-houses. A female servant loves him as only his wife could do - he, however, tries to mary a woman of a favourable condition and fails. All this is told without any climax or signal of satire. The English preface claims the reader's "Compassion", the German praises the "angebrachten Zierrathen" - poetical ornaments - and the chance offered to the reader to reflect here "anderer Leuthe Unglück" (the desasters that happened to others) and to learn from the examples. The German translator of the first edition wants to have avoided "harte, freye, schlüffrige Expressionen" (harsh, free and piquant expressions). The preface to the second German translation (1712),link promises "Belustigung" (pleasure) in reflection of the ups and downs of Rozelli's life. The "morale" is located in "contrairen Exempeln".


Olaf Simons, Marteaus Europa oder Der Roman, bevor er Literatur wurde (Amsterdam, 2001).

Olaf Simons / Martin Mulsow