
From Marteau



  1. A Continuation of the Comical History of the most Ingenious Knight. Don Quixote De la Mancha. By the Licentiate Alonzo Fernandez de Avellaneda. Being a Third Volume; Never before Printed in English. Illustrated with several curious Copper Cuts. Printed for Jeffery Wale and John Senex. 1705.

  2. The Fugitive. Containing Several very pleasant Passages and surprizing Adventures. observ'd by a Lady in her Country Ramble; being both Useful and Diverting for Persons of all Ranks. Now first published from her Manuscript Printed for G.Sawbridge and Sold by J. Nutt, 1705. 1s. 6d.

  3. The Consolidator: or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon. Translated from the Lunar Language, by the Author of the True-born Englishman. Printed for B. Bragg, 1705.

  4. THE| Secret History,| OF| Queen ZARAH,| AND THE| Zarazians;| BEING A| Looking-glass| FOR| –––––––––––| In the Kingdom of| ALBIGION.| [rule]| Faithfully Translated from the Italian Copy| now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome, and ne-|ver before printed in any Language.| [rule]| Albigion, Printed in the Year 1705.| [rule]| Price Stich'd 1 s. Bound 1s. 6d.

  5. The Second Part, or a Continuation of THE| Secret History,| OF| Queen ZARAH,| AND THE| Zarazians [...] 1705.


  1. A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. The Fourth Edition Corrected, printed for J. Nutt. 1705.

  2. A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. The Fourth Edition Corrected Dublin, Re-Printed; and are to be Sold only at Dick's and Lloyd's Coffee-Houses, and at the Printing-Press in Fishamble-Street. 1705.

  3. The Consolidator: or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon. Translated from the Lunar Language, by the Author of the True-born Englishman. The Second Edition. Printed for B.Bragge 1705.

  4. The Progress of the Christian Pilgrim. Third edition, printed by W.O. for J. Blare.


  1. AVANTURES| DE| TELEMAQUE,| FILS D’ULYSSE.| Ou suite du quatriéme Livre| de l’Odyssée d'Homere.| Derniere Edition, plus ample & plus| exacte que les précédentes.| TOME I.| [vignette: flowers]| A LA HAYE Chez ADRIEN MOTJENS, près la Cour,| à la Libraire Françoise.| [rule]| M.DCC.V.


  1. Ariadnens, Königlicher Printzeßin von Toledo, Staats- und Liebes-Geschichte, Zu vergönnter Gemüths-Ergötzung an das Licht gegeben von Talandern. Leipzig: J. L. Gleditsch 1705.

  2. Der| Europæischen| Höfe,| Liebes-| Und| Helden-Geschichte,| Der Galanten Welt zur ver-|gnügten Curiosité ans Licht| gestellet.| Von| Menantes.| [rule]| HAMBURG,| [rule]| Bey Gottfried Liebernickel, 1705.

  3. Des| Politischen| Bürstenbinders-|Gesellen| Lebens-Lauff| Oder| Reisebeschreibung,| Von| Ihm selbst ans Tages-| Licht gegeben,| Wird allen lustigen Gemü-|thern zu Verkürtzung der Zeit,| durchzulesen bestens re-|commendiret| [rule]| Anno 1705.

  4. Die Amazonische SMYRNA Worinnen Unter Einfürung Trojanischer, Griechischer, Amazonischer und Asiatischer Geschichten, Die Begebenheiten jeziger Zeiten, und deren Verändrungen und Kriegs-Läuffte, auf eine sehr curiöse Weise, in einem Annehmlichen Staats- und Liebes-Roman verwikkelt vorgestellet worden, Von Imperiali. Frankfurt, Leipzig: M. A. Fuhrmann 1705.

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The Novel in Europe, 1650-1749