English Money

£ s. d.
1 guinea [8.35 / 7.65 g Au] = 21 shillings, 6 pence
1 pound / £ = 20 shillings
1 crown = 5 shillings
1 half-a-crown = 2 shillings, 6 pence
1 shilling / s. = 12 pence
1 penny / d. = 4 farthings
1 farthing

The guinea gold coin, first issued on 6 Feb. 1663 (1662 Old Style) with the value of 20s reached nearly 30s in 1694 before the rehabilitation of the silver coinage under William III. allowed a new fixing at 21s 6d in 1698. The proclamation of Dec. 1717 fixed it at 21 s.

Click here if you have to calculate with pounds, shillings and pence.link More information on British money.link


fl. kr. dl.
1 Ducat [3.5 / 3.45 g Au] = 4 Gulden
1 Species Thaler = 2 Gulden
1 Reichsthaler = 90 Kreutzer
1 Gulden / fl. = 60 Kreutzer
= 240 Pfennige
1 Halber Gulden = 30 Kreutzer
1 Kopffstück = 20 Kreutzer
1 Ort (Fünffzehner) = 15 Kreutzer
1 Sechser = 6 Kreutzer
1 Halber Ort = 7½ Kreutzer
1 Zweyfache Landmüntze (Fünffer) = 5 Kreutzer
1 Batzen = 4 Kreutzer
1 Kayser-Groschen = 3 Kreutzer
1 Einfache Landmüntze = 2½ Kreutzer
1 Halber Batzen = 2 Kreutzer
1 Kreutzer / kr. = 4 Pfennige
1 Pfennig / dl. = 2 Heller
1 Heller

Accounting in Reichs-Gulden, Kreutzer and Pfennige was especially common in the southern German centres of trade.

More information about coins and currencies of the Holy Roman Empire.link Additional calculating tool.link
Exchange rate: Pound Sterling = Reichs-Gulden

Source: Paritius (1709)link Comparison of Coinslink
© Matthias Böhne / Olaf Simons, 2004