Persia's Money

Tomans Abbasis Dinars
1 Toman = 50 silver Abbasis
= 10,000 Dinars
1 Mohur [11.34 g] = 2,400 Dinars
1 Abbassi [9.33 g] = 2,000 Dinars
1 Ashrafi [3.5 g] = 750 Dinars
1 Zecchino [3.5 g] = 750 Dinars
1 Thaler / Peso = 600 Dinars
1 Leuwendaalder = 480 Dinars
1 Panj Shahi = 250 Dinars
1 Abbasi [9.33 g] = 200 Dinars
1 Abbasi [1717: 5.4 g] = 115 Dinars
1 Abbasi [1721: 3.5 g] = 75 Dinars
1 Shahi = 50 Dinars
1 Bisti = 20 Dinars
1 Kazbeki = 5 Dinars
1 Dinar

Foreign coins supplemented Persia's weak currency. Large sums were noted in Tomans, a pure unit of account, referring to an (unstable) equivalent of gold.

More information on Persia's

Indian Rupees

Rupees Annas Pies
1 Mohur
1 Rupee = 16 Annas
1 Anna = 12 Pies
1 Pice = 3 Pies
1 Pie

A fixed rate between gold and silver money did not exist, the gold Mohur and the silver Rupee shared the weight of 11.34 g and were supposed to be minted without alloy.

More information about India's
Exchange rate: Persian Tomans = Indian Rupees

Source: Evaluationlink Comparison of Coinslink
© Matthias Böhne / Olaf Simons, 2004