Frontispiece [Crusoe, "Clark & Pine Sc."]/ [p.i] title/ [p.iii-iv] pref./ p.[1]-364 [p.364 Errata]/ 8°.
H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.52-71. - ESTC: t072264.
p.[iii]: "Story of a Man's Private Adventures"; p.[iv]: "a just History of Fact".
A. |
1.a |
[vol 1, 1st edition] The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (London: W. Taylor, 1719) [Reprint: (Osnabrück, 1976). Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.89: 25 Apr. 1719]. |
1.b |
[vol. 1, 2nd edition] The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] Second Edition (London: W. Taylor, 1719). [Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.89: 12. May 1719.] |
1.c |
[vol. 1, Dublin piracy] The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Dublin: J. Gill/ J. Hide/ G. Grierson/ R. Gunne/ R. Owen/ E. Dobson, 1719). ["Dublin-Piracy". Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.150: 1 June 1719.] |
1.d |
[vol. 1, 3rd edition] The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] third edition (London: W. Taylor, 1719). [Date: H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.89: 6 June 1719.] |
1.e |
["Abridgement" or "Amsterdam Cofee House Edition"] The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] written originally by himself, and now faithfully abridg'd (London: T. Cox, 1719). [Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925): 1 Aug. 1719. The piracy edition provoked a quarrel between W. Taylor and T. Cox. Tylor threatened to sue Cox and his customers [cf. The St. James Post (7 Aug. 1719), and vol. 2, 2nd ed.: A4v]. Cox replied he had been in Scottland while someone else used his name - and added, that he would publish some secrets about the author of "Crusoe's Don Quixotism" and his publisher [The Flying Post (29 Oct. 1719)]. - cf. H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.99-100/ 142-45. - The text is condensed (255 pp., 32 lines, 12° compared to the original 364 pp., 37 lines, 8°) and shortened - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.154: "Cox printed the diverting and historical part of the story and left out all the reflections and inferences with which the original narrative was interspersed. Rather the re-working has been done deliberately, though toward the letter part, it seems more hasty."] |
1.f |
[vol. 1, 4th edition] The Life, and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] fourth edition (London: W. Taylor, 1719) [Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.89: 8 Aug. 1719]. |
2.a |
[vol. 2, 1st ed.:] The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (London: W. Taylor, 1719) [Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.103: 20 Aug. 1719]. |
1.g |
["0"-Edition" - a corrupt reprint of vol. 1, 4th edition] The Life, and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robe[!]son Cruso[!] (London/ Westminster, 1719). ["0"-Edition. H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.167-82 proved it's beeing a a corrupted and shortened reprint of vol. 1, 4th ed., Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.182: c. Sept. 1719.] |
1.h |
[newspaper edition of vol. 1] The Original London Post, or Heathcot's Intelligence, 125-202 (London: 7 Oct. 1719 - 30 March 1720). [Appeared in three numbers per week. The advertisement for W. Taylor's edition of the second part - cf. no. 202 - implies that this was no piracy edition.] |
2.b |
[vol. 2, Dublin edition] The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Dublin: J. Gill/ J. Hyde/ G. Grierson/ R. Gunne/ R. Owen/ E. Dobson Jr./ G. Risk, 1719). |
2.c |
[vol. 2, 2nd edition] The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] second edition (London: W. Taylor, 1719). [Date: Dec. 1719. With advertisement for vol. 1, 4th ed. and statement against Cox's piracy edition.] |
1.i |
[vol. 1, 5th edition] The Life, and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe [...] fifth edition (London: W. Taylor, 1720). |
2.d |
[newspaper edition of vol. 2] The Original London Post, or Heathcote's Intelligence, 203-89 (London, 1 Apr. - 18 Oct. 1720). |
3.a |
[vol. 3, 1st edition] Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (London: W. Taylor, 1720). [Date - H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.104: 6 Aug. 1720.] |
2.e |
[vol. 2, 3rd edition] (London: W. Taylor, 1722). |
1/2.j/f |
[vols. 1-2, 6th and 4th edition] (London: W. Taylor, 1722). [12°, vol. 1 lost, cf. H. C. Hutchins (1925), p.85/120, date: 5 June 1722.] |
k/g |
[vols. 1-2, 7th and 5th edition] (London: W. Mears/ T. Woodward, 1726). |
l/h |
[vols. 1-2, 8th and 6th edition] (London: T. Woodward, 1736). |
m/i |
[vols. 1-2, 9th and 7th edition] (T. Woodward/ J. Osborn, 1747). |
n/j |
[vols. 1-2, 10th and 8th edition] (T. & T. Longman/ J. & J. Rivington, 1753). |